
Applications for media and photography accreditation for the 2024/2025 season are now open.

All applicants must apply via email to be approved for accreditation - applicants must be aware of the terms & conditions noted.

To apply for Media or Photography Accreditation please click here

Please contact [email protected] with queries.

Terms and Conditions

- No media or photography accreditation from the previous 2023/24 season or before will be auto-renewed or valid for admission into games for the 2024/25 season.

- If you are a full member of the NI Football Writers’ Association, please contact secretary Lyle Jackson for information regarding media accreditation.

- If you are applying on behalf of club media, this request should be made from your respective NIFL club secretary or NIFL club media officer.

- Please note that media or photography accreditation will be allocated to only authorised individuals with a verified media requirement to attend NI Football League matches regularly throughout the season. Stand alone social media accounts will not be eligible for accreditation.

- All freelance / non-football media or photographers will be asked to provide a minimum of three pieces of published evidence of their NI Football League media output from the 2023/24 season for their application to eligible for consideration and will be verified against any clubs or media organisation referenced in the application.

- Accreditation does not provide access to games outside of the jurisdiction of the NI Football League (including Irish Cup, European games and international matches).

- All successful applications will be required to provide photo identification and a postal address for distribution purposes.

- Accreditation from the NI Football League will not automatically guarantee access to games for the 2024/25 season – arrangements with host clubs should be made in advance for access before each game to avoid disappointment or embarrassment. Please see the respective club directory on our website for contact details for secretaries and media officers of each NIFL club.

- Applicants should note that separate media and photography accreditation is required for 2024 NIFL Women's Premiership matches, under the same terms & conditions above. If you apply for Women's Premiership specific accreditation, please confirm this in your additional notes.

- The NI Football League reserves the right to refuse media accreditation.